       The environmental emergency plan, is refers to the enterprise in order to in response to various types of accidents, natural disasters, to take emergency measures to avoid or minimize contamination or other toxic and harmful substances into the factory outside atmosphere, water, soil and other environmental media, and advance the development of the work plan.
       According to the emergency plan for enterprises and institutions of environmental emergencies for the record management approach ", the following companies need to prepare contingency plans for environmental emergencies:
       (1) may occur in environmental emergencies and pollutant emissions enterprises, including sewage, garbage centralized treatment facilities operating companies;
       (2) production, storage, transportation and use of dangerous chemicals enterprise;
       (3) generation, collection, storage, transportation, use and disposal of hazardous wastes of enterprise;
       (4) enterprise of tailings, including wet storage of industrial waste, power plant ash reservoir;
       (5) should be included in the scope of the list of other enterprises and included in the provincial environmental protection department issued shall conduct environmental contingency plans for the record in accordance with the law business.

       Emergency response plan for general procedures:
       Tenth enterprises to develop contingency plans for the environment in accordance with the following steps:
       (1) the establishment of environmental emergency plan preparation group, clearly prepared team leader and members of the task, plan and budget.
       (2) investigation and emergency resources to carry out environmental risk assessment. Environmental risk assessment including but not limited to: analysis of all kinds of accident evolution rule, the influence degree of natural disasters, environmental hazards identification, analysis may be affected by the residents and the surrounding units, the relationship between regional environment construction, environmental emergencies and consequences of scenarios, determine environmental risk grade. Emergency resource investigation including but not limited to: environmental emergency investigation team, the first time can be called enterprise equipment, supplies, etc. the emergency resources and can request assistance or assistance agreement emergency resources.
       (3) the preparation of environmental emergency plans. In accordance with the provisions of the ninth requirement, reasonable selection of categories, determine the content, focus on environmental emergency situations may need to take measures to the content and method could be affected by the residents and units informed of the content and the way to environmental protection departments and relevant departments the government plans and the way of cohesion, the formation of environmental emergency plan. The preparation process, should seek employees and may be affected by the residents and units represent the views.
       (4) emergency plan review and training environment. The Enterprise Organization experts and may be affected by the resident units on behalf of the review of the environmental emergency plan, carry out training for inspection. The review experts should include the relevant government involved in environmental emergency management departments, representatives of the relevant industry associations, with related experience of personnel.
       (5) signed the release of environmental emergency plan. Environmental emergency plan by the enterprise related meeting, by the enterprise is mainly responsible for the signing of the release.

2017 Guangdong Sichuang Environment Engineering Co. Ltd.Guangdong ICP Prepared No.16073518  Technical support:Guangzhou Trident Network Technology Co., Ltd.